Friday, June 27, 2014


This is Dudley. Yes, we have a girl chicken named Dudley. The kids named her before they even met her. She came with our house when we moved. I have to say she has been an EGGCELLENT addition to our family!

Until we moved in she ate something called crumble. It was gross, covered in mold and I have no idea what it was made of. I didn't want to feed my family eggs from a chicken who ate moldy who knows what!

When her crumble ran out, I started giving her all our fruit and veggie scraps and a piece of bread bread everyday. She clearly liked it because she turned into a squawking maniac bird. The day after her first real meal she was standing at the door of her coop making a ruckus demanding more food.

I've since replaced the piece of bread with Organic Scratch and Peck. She's calmed down and doesn't yell at us anymore in the mornings, but she's there everyday, bright and early waiting for her tasty meal.

We live up in the mountains so we have to keep Dudley safe in her chicken coop. She does get to come out with us during the day sometimes to search the yard for bugs and grubs.

Next on the list for Dudley is a friend. Dudley is great but with 5 people in the house, 1 egg every 3 days just isn't going to cut it. We need lots of organic eggs around here!

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